Help for home allergies - Wed, 6 August 2014

Relief from home allergies is possible

"I find it quite rewarding to be a part of improving the quality of life for an allergy-suffer." Helen from QED.

Dust, mite and pet allergies are are not only an unwelcome addition to your lifestyle, they can take complete control of it. If you’re reading this, chances are you are nodding your head in frustration. We understand that a) moving house won't work and b) it's tough to part with dearly loved animals.

We certainly don't make any far-fetched claims to create a 100% allergy-free home, but we do provide a realistic and thorough approach to help reduce these home triggers that can make your life a misery.

Help for home allergies

Ways you can reduce home allergens

Starting today, you can decrease the number of dust mites and pet hairs by carrying out the following techniques:

  • reduce clutter, everywhere!
  • before vacuuming, wipe and disinfect your cleaning spaces regularly and air them out as much as possible. Also bath your pets on a weekly basis to remove loose & shedding hair and mites.
  • shake and vacuum rugs or carpet mats as well as all all carpet spaces on a regular basis
  • consider changing to non-porous furniture coverings so mites or hair aren't embedded in your home contents
  • use a dehumidifier or moisture absorber to dry the air as dust mites prefer humidity
  • update your regularly used pillows twice yearly

Whilst this isn’t a complete list, we have the time and specialist knowledge to help create a more stable home environment from which to manage your allergies. This can include an initial home spring clean of all major areas such as carpets, upholstery, curtains and mattresses and also on-going maintenance at affordable prices. Without the right equipment, it's hard to get the dust, mite and hair population under control!

Our client's have experienced a reduction in sneezing, coughing, itching, water eyes and other major allergic symptoms by taking these proactive steps toward purifying a home environment.

Professional carpet & upholstery cleaning, Auckland

Our Auckland carpet cleaning company brings the latest cleaning techniques along with a very detailed approach to ensure client’s receive a trusted and quality service. The home cleaning products we use are safe for pet and allergy sufferers. We use a fast-dry extraction system combined with industrial strength power to ensure thorough removal of all dust and animal hairs from your carpet. By performing a thorough initial clean and maintaining between periods with a high quality vacuum such as a Dyson vacuum cleaner, you will achieve a significant reduction in home allergens.

Reflected in our detail is the understanding of just how important a thorough job is, even more so, when working with allergy sufferers who are not only physically, but emotionally effected on a daily basis.

Talk to myself or one of our team for more information about carpet, upholstery or mattress cleaning in the Auckland region.

We're a friendly team that take great pride in our work. Our business thrive off word of mouth which is a reflection of the quality of our work.

Comments (1)

Thanks for this helpful post this way we can prevent those allergies that may caused sometimes.

By: Dianna on Wed, 22 July 2015 @ 21:03:33

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